September 2022 - National Boating Safety School

How to Become a Boat Captain in Canada

September 21, 2022

Ship’s Captain is as much a dream job as it is a job of the future. Boating around the world and constantly interacting with diverse cultures, the sea captain remains, in the popular mind, a profession of excellence. Although this image of “captain” reigns supreme in our minds, we tend to overlook the complex and Read more ›

How to Measure a Boat Propeller

September 14, 2022

The propeller is the part of the boat that is most in contact with the water. As a result, it is  the one part of the boat that is most likely to degrade quickly due to the mechanics of the engine or the salinity of the water. Before considering any change, it is important to Read more ›

Choosing the Right Emergency Rescue Beacon to Call for Help on a Boat

September 7, 2022

To enjoy boating, you need to take to the water under the right conditions and with the right equipment, including an emergency rescue beacon. No matter how carefully you study charts, learn to drive your boat and check for small craft advisories, marine hazards can still pose a threat. From changing weather or human error, Read more ›